What is a WordPress

Hi my friends today I will going to show you what is a wordpress and what is the use of WordPress wordpress is a platform where you can build your website easily It is a place where you can easily edit your website and edit a blog write articles it play plugins and other and it provides best themes and it was 100% free of a cost you can get easily wordpress hosting by godaddy.com or hostinger.com

Wordpress is a best cap Platform for making and building a website many bloggers and web developers use this wordpress hosting 100% free and 100% paid you can get paid hosting and you can also get free hosting wordpress our general to more it is starting since 2004 if you purchase a domain name with 3000 rupees then you can easily get 100% free web hosting by WordPress How to use wordpress you can customise your site using wordpress wordpress get so many themes many please you can add your website on Google search result Optimisation by the plugin which is taught in WordPress so wordpress is a very very very best platform to build a website in easily themes appearance you can edit your widgets in WordPress 100% free how you can download wordpress to download wordpress you need to hosting then you will get a good deal you get a hosting by poster nrega.com or godaddy.com you can add pages you can add menu in your site using WordPress then you can also edit username you can get your website on search result Optimisation using apply against you can download the plugins and you can edit your website 100% free you can make so you can read your blog you can eat your eCommerce site you can also make eCommerce website using wordpress hundred percent 3 if you want to get a own or more knowledge about it I will make a complete video on it subscribe my channelSubscribe Here on YouTube also Amar plus gel how you can create a 24 articles and published on them your site you can write an article in WordPress then you will get approved by Google AdSense then you can earn money easily $25 minimum per day then how how you can get wallpaper first get a domain name from Godaddy then come back to hostinger.com then get a hosting then you can get a control panel OK then you should I go to App installer and their download WordPresfree hosting you will not need HTML and CSS to build up your website make your website I will not need to write HTML and CSS

If you want to get more knowledge about it you should have put my official app which is add description in below you can place the Google AdSense ad on No head tag upper it is so easy that only justify it you can get wordpress to the customise your site you should make amino soda maker wiser than your website will have a person grow in future website is also increase when you download water pressure on you use for depression very easy you need to register for it so please give go to panel and download WordPress if you want to edit your site in Big him then you should have get a paid theme in WordPress you will get paid theme in only $30 minimum if you want to get a free theme it is 100% free and legal it is very very beautiful The minimum payment of wordpress is only and only $10 and maximum payment is $50 but if you get a hosting by hostinger.com then you will get wordpress hosting 100% free wordpress is developed by Microsoft and Microsoft company operators who is number fourth richest person in world Ghana 80% workers in the world use wordpress to develop their sites and only 10% people make their website using HTML and CSS if you want to get HTML CSS in WordPress you can also edit what is time and sees you as you will get a m then go to T M and click the established fight then you can edit HTML and CSS in WordPress also wordpress is the better than blogger blogger is the place where we can only editor theme you can get a free theme but it is not there was expensive but the look of responsive website responsive theme it is only in WordPress with candle easy editor website and its 100% best the platform where you can get your website is the only and only one place because wordpress gives are all all these themes affairs while there's etc. Google sites can approve the wordpress site because the wordpress make a website very very beautiful and it creates a very best pages for your site you can edit your site using layout using may know you are using will web hosting it is very very best website ever from another set then you can also XML file for WordPress wordpress delete any paid for their site then you can also download wordpress domain name by wordpress.com and it is hundred percent paid


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