Story of great scientist Thomas Edison

Friends, the recent Ganeshotsav, Navratri festival or any other festival has a big attractive electric lighting. In today's world of musical lighting, the variety of colorful, attractive lighting looks great. Lately we have become so accustomed to electricity that one day if for some reason this light (electricity) goes out, we do not care. If emergency power is released in some places during load shedding, then darkness spreads everywhere and naturally the question comes to mind if there is no electric light ...? Of course, the most important thing is the discovery of electricity. The father of the discovery of electricity, of course, is Thomas Alva Edison. This great 19th century scientist is the author of over a thousand patents for scientific discoveries. इ.स. In 1869, Thomas invented the world's first patent for his own telegraphy technique. Behind all this is Edison's curiosity and scientific approach to science. He pursued science and technology to find the answer to any question. That is why he became the father of many inventions. If we know the character of this world famous scientist, we can understand various aspects of his personality.
Birth and childhood Samuel Edison, the father of the protagonist Thomas Edison. Settled in Milan, a booming city in the United States during the 1840's. Before that it was in Canada. Sean married Nancy Elliott, a young woman he met in Canada and came to Milan. Thomas was born on February 11, 1847. In memory of Samuel Edison's friend Alva, Samuel added the name Alva to Thomas' name. His mother before marriage She was a teacher and Edison was very fond of her mother. Even as a child he was vocal and skeptical He kept asking questions to his parents and neighbors. His keen intellect did not allow him to remain silent. He experimented even at that young age. Alone, he tried to light a fire near the granary. But as soon as the wind came, the fire was extinguished and the paper fell on the pantry and the pantry caught fire. He was punished for that. He had only been to school for a short time. At that time, 'Chhadi lage chhamcham, vidya yei ghamayay was like this. He did not understand or agree with what the teachers taught him. Once, during a school inspection, the teacher told the inspector that he was a stupid boy. At home he was called 'Potato'. His mother lovingly took him close as a potato and he told his mother everything. The mother did not like his insults at school, so she immediately went to the school and told the teachers, "Alha Patt is not a boy, he is very smart and I will convince everyone and teach him." Thus began Edison's education at home. The mother knew that this naughty and inquisitive baby had supernatural qualities. He imagined that if a balloon filled with air flies into the air, the powder that produces such air goes into his stomach, and he will lighten up and fly away. But when it came time to call the doctor instead of flying, Edison said, "My trick is right. This girl has done something wrong." After this he left Milan and came to Huran. Till this time, Thomas's mother used to teach him by bringing the children together with the eight-year-old Thomas. Mother taught with great love. Besides, there was no limit to education in school, so in three or four years he got such a good education that it would have taken him ten to twelve years to learn it in school. The mother had also learned that he had learned a lot from the inquisitive question even before his mother taught him. By the age of eleven, Edison had learned as much as reading, writing, history, geography, and mathematics. He read many books on the history of England, the history of the Reformation, Gibbon's Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the history of the world, as well as electricity, chemistry and physics. His craze for reading lasted a lifetime. Along with the reading, there was also his observation. The habit of observation grew out of the father's binoculars. It so happened that Edison's father had a passion for astronomy. They also had a lot of wood as they traded timber. He used this wood to build a tower about eighty feet high near his house. Near Samuel was an excellent (very good) telescope. Through these binoculars, his father is in nature, but both Edison and his mother go to the very top of the monologue. 1 seat. There he looked at the stars in the sky along with the beauty of nature through his father's binoculars He also had a heartfelt chat with his mother. Edison liked the observation so much that Samuel, his father, gave him the telescope as a gift. For others to see the beauty of nature from above, it was Samuel, his father, who had booked the ticket. This tall tower made his house in Huran famous everywhere. In addition to observation, Edison was getting a lot of information from reading. That's why he kept experimenting with information. Reading the book, he was experimenting with scientific subjects on his own. In his separate room, he had amassed a huge amount of scrap metal, such as nails, springs, broken watches, wheels, and spare parts for machinery. His mother moved him to the basement of the laboratory so that he would not be in trouble. The father was opposed to these experiments. self-reliance The material for the experiment was bought by the child Edison from the food, that is, the money received for the food; But the money he was getting was running low, so he decided to get a job or a business to bring the goods. He insisted on getting permission from his mother. At such a young age, he did not feel comfortable doing the job; But he persuaded her. At the age of 12, the Grant Truck train ran from Huran to Detroit. Aldison applied for permission to sell fruit and newspapers on the train, and as soon as he received permission, he started his own business. During his time in business, he came in contact with many new people, so he got a good understanding of human nature and he got the knowledge of how to exchange money and keep accounts from his own experience.
